Face Mask Policy/Updates


Face Mask Policy 2021

“As a safety measure to mitigate the spread of COVID 19, the CVA Board of Directors requires all students, school personnel, visitors, and volunteers to wear face coverings inside schools and on buses until conditions of the pandemic improve within the surrounding community. The CVA Board of Directors and lead administration will follow the recommendations of the local health department and the NC Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). CVA will consider applications for a waiver of the face-mask requirement on a case-by case basis for staff and students who have a compelling medical need. The medical need must be directly related to the inability to wear a mask. Proper documentation from the student’s health care physician will be required. Application for the waiver will be made available, upon request, at the front office.”

Approved by CVA Board of Directors: Sept. 16, 2021, Oct. 21, 2021, Nov. 18, 2021, Dec. 16, 2021, Feb. 17, 2022

  • Face Mask Policy 2022 Update (Rev. 3/17/22)

    As of March 18, 2022, CVA is operating under an optional face mask policy at our schools, work sites, and on buses. The policy extends to sports events and extracurricular activities, including the 21st CCLC After-School program.. Under CDC guidance announced February 25, face coverings are no longer required on school buses and activity buses. 

    The optional face mask policy is a change from the mandatory face mask policy put in place at the start of the 2021-22 school year.

    We offer testing for Covid-19, available to all students and staff on regular schedules. Testing will be limited to students and staff who are symptomatic or are identified as a close contact of someone with a confirmed case of Covid-19. No one will be tested without consent. The test requires taking a sample with a short nasal swab. A negative  test for a symptomatic student will allow the student to return to school as long as symptoms have improved, the student has been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications and has had no nausea/vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hours.

    In the event a case of Covid-19 is identified in a student or staff member, CVA will follow the recommendations of county and state public health professionals and recommendations from the CDC. CVA is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of any person who contracts Covid-19, in accordance with federal HIPAA regulations, but is also committed to keeping parents/caretakers informed of any change in the public health status of a school.

    Among changes this year in the school district's response to Covid-19 are these:

    • School buses are allowed to operate at normal capacity.
    • Daily symptom screenings and temperature checks will no longer be conducted at schools and work sites.
    • Cafeteria serving lines will be open.

    Because the transmission rate, number of cases and other earmarks of coronavirus are in flux in Lenoir County as elsewhere, CVA will monitor public health metrics provided by the Lenoir County Health Department and, at the direction of the CVA Board of Directors, adjust instructional plans accordingly. CVA will make every effort to inform our families of any impending changes in a timely manner.

    Information on the recommended response of public school districts to Covid-19 is at Strong Schools NC Public Health Toolkit.

    Approved by CVA Board of Directors: March 16, 2022

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