Exceptional Children
The Exceptional Children’s Program currently serves students in Lenoir County and surrounding areas, with one of the following areas of eligibility: Autism, Developmental Delayed, Serious Emotional Disability, Intellectual Disability (Mild, Moderate, Severe), Specific Learning Disability, Speech or Language Impairment, among other health and learning impairments.
The placement in exceptional children is determined by state procedures, Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities. Each student when placed in Exceptional Children is placed by eligibility criteria defined in the Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities for each area of eligibility. The majority of the students are referred by instructional staff to the EC Director and/or Coordinator at each school and the EC process begins. Additionally, some referrals are received from parents.
Exceptional Children’s Services for students are based on their Individualized Education Plans (IEP) that is developed annually by parents and school staff. The IEP addresses the services each individual student needs as well as accommodations and /or modifications required in the general education class and for state testing. All students with IEP’s are expected to progress in the general curriculum and all students are included in the state testing program. All exceptional students are up for reevaluation every three years. The IEP teams decide if testing is necessary based on the data and observations they have collected on the student.
All students are served in their least restrictive environment based on their needs. CVA’s Exceptional Children’s Services provide services in a variety of settings. The Exceptional Children’s Services are provided by physical therapists, speech therapists, certified exceptional children teachers and teacher assistants, occupational therapist, autism specialist, program compliance specialist (the EC Director) and behavior support and psychological services.
EC Team Contacts:
Dixon Street Campus: 252-520-4536
Ms. Andrea Williams, EC Director and Teacher
Henry Grady-EC Teacher Aide
Washington Street Campus: 252-939-1958
Ms. Andrea Williams, EC Director and Teacher
Jeannette Brown, EC Teacher Aide
Project Child Find
Parents' Rights & Responsibilities In Special Education (English Version)
Parent's Rights & Responsibilities In Special Education (Spanish Version)