Principal's Message

Message from the Principal


Dear Parents and Guardians:

     We take great pleasure in welcoming you and your family to Children’s Village Academy, where student achievement and academic growth is our primary focus. We strive to promote academic excellence and citizenship, while fostering a positive and nurturing learning environment.  Please take a few moments to review with your child the Student Code of Conduct and the Character Traits that are included within this booklet.  Discuss with your child the importance of understanding and following these policies and guidelines.

     The document was developed to ensure a safe and orderly learning environment that is conducive to learning for all of our students.  It also serves as a resource for parents, students, and staff.  We strive to provide intellectually challenging experiences and promote academic excellence, while consistently maintaining an atmosphere conducive to learning. Consequences for students who do not support the school environment are clearly outlined in this handbook.

          With your support, we can help our students achieve academic success while fostering an environment where they feel safe and secure every day.  Please partner with us as we work together to achieve these goals for all of our children.  We solicit your help and support as we work as a single unit.

     We appreciate your support and offer you our best wishes for a great school year!


Jessica N. Jones,

CVA Principal

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