About CVA

About Children's Village Academy




      Children's Village Academy was established for the development of a model-learning institution, with statewide recognition. It was also established for the advancement of outstanding academic performance among all who, upon leaving school, are known for their well-grounded, psychosocial cultural well being; as well as, their upstanding moral fiber, citizenry, and their passion for learning.




We believe every child has an inherent right to an education, which will enhance the development of maximum capacity, regardless of sex, ethnic origin, economic, social, or religious background.

We believe every child has an inherent right to the tools that facilitate the achievement of personal goals and the fulfillment of obligations to society.

We believe every individual has certain basic human needs, beyond education needs, which will be addressed, by our school.

We believe our school must provide an environment in which all students are afforded an equal opportunity to obtain competencies that will help them survive as individuals and as members of society.



The Children's Village Academy was founded in 1997 by Bishop Anne Bell Carr. She wanted to reach the community of Kinston in the greatest, most effective way -through education. With hard work and perseverance, Bishop Carr and her family established the first charter school in Lenoir county. Eleven years later, Children's Village Academy still stands and is stronger than ever. We continue to strive for excellence by providing exemplary education for all children in Kinston, NC and surrounding areas. 

The Children's Village Academy (CVA) has been providing quality educational services to families as one of the top performing public charter schools in eastern North Carolina. Its mission is to establish a state-of-the-arts learning institution where all students, regardless of background, can achieve academic success and be fully prepared for high school, postsecondary education and the world of work. CVA provides a private school education for a public school price, FREE.

CVA has two beautiful, spacious, an historic campuses in Kinston. The lower campus, or elementary school, supports Pre-k through 5th grades, while the upper campus, or middle school supports grades 6-8.

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